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Movement Assessment

Two titans of the movement world joined for a fascinating conference in 2014. This review of the conference is most thorough. Click here.

Since that time, several studies have been performed using the FMS and Dr. McGill has published new research as well. Here are some take home points on movement assessment:

1. The FMS allows a quick assessment used to help determine a "weak link" in the person's movement. The FMS seeks to identify movement aberrations before pain occurs and before load is introduced. It establishes a common ground for clinicians to exchange information. It stresses that poor quality movement may increase injury risk. Recent research on the FMS has shown it not to be a true injury risk assessment tool. The clinician must be knowledgeable on both how to perform the tests and how to interpret the results and use them for the client's benefit.

2. Dr. McGill emphasizes that an accurate assessment takes more than 10 - 15 minutes. In this article, he states the "evidence shows that the mechanism of back pain is almost always exacerbated by a particular motion, posture or load, which, together with those that are tolerated, can be identified through a series of simple diagnostic tests."

"Certain loads on the spine are necessary and actually part of a maintaining a healthy back, but some are harmful and can, over time, accumulate damage. Each person is different in their reaction to loading which is governed by one’s biology, injury or training adaptation, genetics and rate of repair. The healthy pain-free back is achieved with the optimal amount of load—not too much or too little."

3. The issue of stability vs mobility. In the FMS world, the mobility correction takes priority. In Dr. McGill's world, it is about the interplay between stability and mobility. There is a sweet spot - identify and stabilize what needs to be stabilized and identify and mobiilize what needs to be mobilized.

Watch this video of an athlete demonstrating a bodyweight (no additional load) squat:

Watch this video of the same athlete under a load:

Watch this video How Deep Should I Squat?

Watch this video of Jerzy Gregorek demonstrating squat technique:

What is the message here? Get a great coach before you start placing your body under load. For kids, this means learning how to move right at an early age instead of sitting in front of the TV or playing video games. And for an adult, don't start a fitness program without understanding exactly what YOUR body needs.

This is our specialty as Dallas Sports Academy. We blend injury care and injury prevention and performance training.

Dr. Steven Horwitz Chiropractor Rockwall Texas

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